Blog / Recipes
News, tips and recipes
News from Aires de Jaén
Family recipes
Grandmother Eloísa shares with all of us traditional recipes that have been passed down in her family from generation to generation and that now she wants to share with us. These are recipes that keep a great memory for her since they all bring back beautiful memories and are dishes that her children, grandchildren and also great-grandchildren love. Traditional food told and explained with the grace and affection that characterizes Grandma Eloísa.
All the recipes are made with natural products, without processing, since for the cook they are the best and with the most properties and benefits. Grandma Eloísa does not use dyes or preservatives in her dishes and all are made without processed products.
All recipes from the book Grandma Eloisa's recipes
Alfonso Díaz: His corner
Born in Marín (Pontevedra), he is an engineer and gastronome passionate about cooking and gastronomy. He has cooked all over the world, from Sydney at the 2000 Olympics, at the Foodex in Tokyo in 2009, at the Slowfood in Turin or at the Marquet Food in Amsterdam.
He has published two recipe books related to the sea: “Portonovo, Omega 3 reserve” and “The blue flavors of the Ría”. The latter was awarded in 2012 by the Paris Gourmand as the Best Book of Fish Recipes in Spain.